USBclean for mac是一款在Mac平台上强大的U盘病毒查杀工具,USBclean可以帮助你快速方便地去除所有那些讨厌的垃圾文件,USBclean for mac也可以帮你将USB驱动器进行格式化,你可以轻松从系统菜单栏上启动USBclean并直接运行。.

USBclean 简介:

USBclean for Mac是有史以来最强大的USB清洁工具!快速轻松地从外部USB驱动器中移除烦人的垃圾和鬼影文件。.DS_Store,Thumbs.db,.Spotlight和垃圾文件占用宝贵的空间,并可能导致某些设备出现问题File Juicer。使用USBclean快速轻松地删除它们。


Aug 14, 2019  知您网(提供的苹果电脑软件破解版免费下载“USBclean Mac破解版”:是一款Mac平台的清理外部磁盘垃圾文件的工具,能够帮助我们快捷方便地为你清理外部磁盘垃圾文件,它支持将.DSStore, Thumbs.db,.Spotlight 以及回收站中的垃圾文件进行清理。操作也十分简单,只需要将要清理的外部磁盘拖拽. USBclean - 3.4.2 CR2 - Keep your thumb drives free from annoying junk files. USBclean for Mac 3.4.2 CR2 最强大的USB清洁程序; USBclean for Mac 3.4.2 CR2 最强大的USB清洁程序. Posted by Rolos On 七月 21, 2019 0 Comment. 最强大的USB清洁实用程序! 快速,轻松地从外部USB驱动器中删除烦人的垃圾和ghost文件。.DSStore,Thumbs.db,.Spotlight和垃圾文件占用宝贵的空间,可能会导致某些设备出现问题。 用. USBclean 3.4.2 CR2. USBclean quickly and easily removes all those pesky junk and ghost files from your external Windows formatted USB drives.DSStore, Thumbs.db,.Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices. Remove them all quickly and easily with USBclean. Configure USBclean the way you want! Remove files by dragging your drive into the handy. Jan 19, 2020  Home Forums General Technology Computer Zone PC Apllications USBclean 3.4.4 macOS Welcome to Ramleague, Ramleague - the.


Usbclean 3.4.2 Cr2 1


Franzis black white projects 5.52.02653 color. 您可以轻松地将USBclean配置为仅从系统菜单栏运行,并在登录时打开。将您的驱动器放在停靠栏图标上后,自动退出是一个很好的选择。

为了您的方便,清洁后的USBclean **总是弹出驱动器。


Usbclean 3.4.2 Cr2 Converter

  • 清理烦人的文件,不会在您的媒体设备上播放。
  • 仅删除Mac文件(与朋友PC共享USB驱动器时很有用)。
  • 删除仅占用有用空间的Windows文件
  • 删除任何数量的(可定制的)文件类型的文件。 [例如,要快速删除外部驱动器中的所有m4a文件,请转至“文件类型”首选项标签并快速将“m4a”添加到扩展字段]


Usbclean 3.4.2 Cr2 Files

The most powerful USB cleaning utility ever made! Quickly and easily remove pesky junk and ghost files from your external USB drives. .DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices.Remove them all quickly and easily with USBclean.

Configure the way you want!
USBclean 3.4.2 CR2

Usbclean 3.4.2 Cr2 File

Remove any number of pre-configured filetypes, or add your own custom filetypes for more flexibility.

Remove files by dragging your drive into the handy drop zone, from the system menubar, or by dropping straight onto the dock icon.

You can easily configure USBclean to run only from the system menubar and open at login. It’s a snap to auto quit after dropping your drive onto the dock icon.

**always ejects your drive after cleaning for your convenience.

useful for:
  • cleaning annoying files which don’t play on your media devices.
  • removal of Mac only files (useful when sharing USB drive with a friends PC).
  • removal of Windows only files which take up useful space
  • removing files of any number of (customizable) filetypes. [for instance, to quickly remove all m4a files from an external drive, go to the “File Types” preference-tab and quickly add “m4a” to the extensions field]

Automatic eject is not available for all Volume types.



3.4.2 CR2 - TNT英文2019-07-223.6 MB
3.4.2 - TNT英文2019-06-233.6 MB
3.4.1 - TNT英文2019-06-223.6 MB
3.4 - TNT英文2018-11-043.5 MB
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