Jan 29, 2018  A stately guide to React Navigation with Redux. Typically represented as a stack or a tree and can be thought of as a record of the. Feed and each item has a detail screen What is Redux? Mar 12, 2020 Step 5: You’ll need to select what you want to record. To record the entire screen, click once anywhere. To record only a portion of it, click and drag a box and then click Start Recording. Step 6: When finished, navigate to the menu bar and click the stop recording button designated by the square symbol. Screen Capture Redux Lite is an app that allows you to record your screen. Main features: - Gives you the freedom to capture your videos at any size or full screen. Record the audio with computer audio, online audio, system build-in microphone or audio input device. Record computer audio, you can record online video. Add professional text logo. Dec 15, 2019  Redux library allows performing an operation before Navigation so that when we arrive at the destination screen, the data is already loaded. 2.1 Setup Add the following Redux & RX dependencies.

  • Jason Blackmore (back to camera) interviews Tommy Victor from Danzig.

Jason Blackmore finds crew and cash to back Records Collecting Dust II

By Dave Good,

'Records Collecting Dust is a documentary centered in San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles,” says Jason Blackmore. “Those were the three cities I focused on the first time around, on the underground punk-rock scene there.” Blackmore, 45, says his original vision was to make a documentary about music and records. Released in 2015, Records Collecting Dust featured living-room interviews with John Reis, Jello Biafra, and Mike Watt. It showed in over 50 theaters in the U.S. and a couple of international film festivals in Ireland and Berlin. It came out on iTunes. But, did the film make any money?

“Yeah. This is a newer shirt,” he grins, smoothing over the wrinkles of his faded black T-shirt. “Ever since I was a teen, I wanted to own a record store. When I realized that wasn’t going to happen, I made a film.” Records Collecting Dust is a bittersweet lament about the digital-age shift away from the vinyl lifestyle, at times funny and at times dark. But it is not, as co-producer Brian Jenkins told the Reader then, “a film about collecting records.”

Now comes Records Collecting Dust II, says Blackmore, who lives in O.B. and performed with the band Molly McGuire in the ’90s. This time around, he says, the focus has shifted to New York, Boston, and Washington DC. “RCD II,” he says, “is exclusively East Coast.” Blackmore has eight interviews in the can, so to speak, all of former East Coast punks who have since cashed in the sleet and the snow for Southern California.

That list thus far includes Page Hamilton (Helmet), Craig Wedren (Shudder to Think), Tommy Victor (Prong/Danzig), Walter Schreifels (Quicksand, Gorilla Biscuits, Rival Schools), Jason Farrell (Bluetip/Swiz), Curtis Casella (Taang Records), and Mike Gitter (xXx Zine).

“I have close to 20 more people lined up who want to be interviewed,” Blackmore says. Among them is Fugazi’s Ian MacKaye. “I sent him a DVD of the first film with a handwritten note that explained the new project. No, I don’t know him. This was about six months ago. And I didn’t include my phone number or my email. Using the return address from the envelope, he sent me a post card.” The response was positive. “Ian is onboard.”

This time around, the production crew includes hometown vinyl-vendor-turned-filmmaker Eric Howarth. “Eric didn’t work on the first RCD,” says Blackmore, “but he’s onboard as the cinematographer and cowriter for RCD II.”

Howarth once owned M-Theory Records and now runs a vinyl swap meet called Vinyl Junkies. He says, “I’ve known Jason for a long time. He knows a lot of the guys we’re talking to for the film. He’s a musician, and he’s able to have conversations with these people that go beyond what a nonmusician would ask.”

Blackmore: “Eric knows me from me coming in to M-Theory. I used to live in South Park.”

Howarth: “You were an employee for one day.”

Blackmore: “I was a horrible employee. I set the alarm off.”

Howarth: “But that’s not why you didn’t last for more than a day.” He goes on to explain that it was a chance meeting that led to the current partnership.

“We ran into each other at the Casbah and we talked about Jason’s plan to make RCD II. I said, ‘I own camera gear, lighting gear, and all that. How about I come on as cinematographer?’”

Howarth has prior production experience, having worked with Grant Reinero on a Four Points/48 Hour film project. The Records Collecting Dust II crew includes Brian Desjean from the local band No Knife as film editor and Brian Jenkins, owner of Riot House Records (his label released the first Records Collecting Dust on Riot House Films) as graphic artist. Howarth says, “We’re hoping to take this film to even greater heights this time around.”

But to make Records Collecting Dust II a reality, the two need to schedule some East Coast interview time with the artists who still live on that side of the country. And to that end, Blackmore estimates they will need to raise $6000 in travel expenses. For now, they are looking to Kickstarter to get the project underwritten. At the time of writing, the two had raised just over $1000 with two weeks remaining on their campaign.

“No, we don’t have a funding plan B,” says Howarth. “But it’s looking likely that we’ll have a larger donor coming through who will do a pledge match during the last week of the campaign.” If all goes according to plan, look for Records Collecting Dust II to be released sometime next year.

A Redux devtool that lets you replay user sessions in real-time.

Screen Record Redux 3

NOTE: This project is in early alpha. I've been using it in production in Key&Pad, but it has not been tested in larger/more complex applications.


You can see a live demo of real, in-production data at Key&Pad. Click on the VCR screen, select a cassette, and hear some dynamically-recreated music!

Screen Recorder Free Download

Blog Post

Check out the Medium post that details how and why this is being built.



By re-watching a recorded session in real-time, you learn tons about how users use your application. Great for gauging UX, spotting bugs, etc.

Developer Experience

Features quality-of-life configuration:

  • Max delay between actions: Set a maximum wait time, to remove long gaps when users go idle.
  • Speed controls: play your cassettes in 0.5x or 2x speed.
  • More to come!

Serverless Security

The goal for ReduxVCR was to not need any server-side integration for developers creating front-end-only applications, while still being secure. Using Firebase, we're able to automatically authenticate all users, assuring that they can only edit their own slice of the state, and not read from or write to any other users' sessions.

For replaying the sessions, GitHub OAuth is used. You set which GitHub email you want to have read access within Firebase.

Modular Architecture

Rather than create one monolithic package, ReduxVCR consists of 4 individual packages:

Solid angle cinema4d to arnold It also supports both animation and single frame distributed rendering in Team Render, allowing the use of all computers in a local network to speed-up Arnold rendering.

  • CaptureThe capture layer is responsible for watching the stream of actions, selecting the ones that you'd like to record, and augmenting them with timestamps and metadata.

  • PersistThe persist layer receives the data from Capture and persists it to Firebase. It handles all anonymous authentication concerns.

  • RetrieveThe retrieve layer, meant to be used in development only, fetches the data from Firebase, and handles all admin authentication concerns.

  • ReplayFinally, the replay layer is your interface to navigating and watching the recorded cassettes.

An effort has been made to ensure that packages can be swapped out. For example, you may wish to use custom database storage, in which case you'd build your own Persist and Retrieve modules. You may wish to have a different UX, in which case you'd build your own Replay module.

Straightforward Integration

A fair amount of work has been put into making the integration as simple as possible. For simple apps, the process shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.

Getting Started

There are two parts to integrating Redux VCR into your application.

  • First, we need to set up Firebase to store our data, and ensure that your users' sessions are secured. Read the instructions for Firebase configuration.

  • Second, we need to add the code needed to hook into Firebase and display the UI. Read the instructions for Javascript implementation.


As common issues arise, their solutions will be shared here.


There are a few pretty blatant things missing from ReduxVCR.


Screen Record Windows 10

  • Event Recording

    Right now, we're only recording the series of Redux actions. Ideally, we'd want our scroll position to mirror the user's, and it would be nice to know where their cursor is.

  • Scrubbing and Navigation

    When replaying cassettes, there is currently no way to 'jump' to a specific portion in the cassette, to see how far along you are in the sequence, etc. A media-player-style scrubber would help quickly analyze and replay crucial moments in a cassette.

    Lighten pdf converter ocr software 5.1.2

  • Support for common tools and environments

    Immutable.js and React Native are both currently untested/unsupported.

Screen Record Redux 2

I have limited free time at the moment, so if anybody would like to contribute to this project, these would be great places to start :)

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