1. Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Test
  2. Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Computer
  3. Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Free

History of changes for WinPython-32bit

The following changes were made to WinPython-32bit distribution since version


Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Test

Master of Typing 3 is a new version of popularly accepted tutor for learning TOUCH TYPING. TOUCH TYPING using all 10 FINGERS without watching the keyboard will help: SAVE TIME; Work on ACCURACY. Sep 08, 2019  Master of Typing 3.8.5 was created for those who want to learn touch typing. A lot of modern people almost live sitting at the computer. That’s why fast typing is very important now. Touch typing is a method of typing using all your ten fingers without watching the keyboard. Fast typing not only allows you to save time but also reduces. Jan 05, 2010  麦客孤独苹果发烧友论坛 2020.2.3 每日软件更新列表 (麦客孤独); 麦客孤独苹果发烧友论坛 2020.2.2 每日软件更新列表 (麦客孤独.

Upgraded packages:

  • Nodejs v10.16.0 → v10.16.3 (a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine)

Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Computer

Python packages

New packages:

Master Of Typing 3.8.0 (build 15.8.0) Free

  • fsspec 0.4.4 (File-system specification)

  • jupyter_server 0.1.1 (Jupyter Server)

  • jupyterlab_pygments 0.1.0 (JupyterLab Pygments theme)

  • portalocker 1.5.1 ()

  • pypiwin32 223+dummy ()

  • ruamel.yaml.clib 0.1.2 ()

  • swifter 0.292 (efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner)

  • typing_extensions 3.7.4 (Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+)

  • voila 0.1.11 (Serving read-only live Jupyter notebooks)

  • winrt 1.0.19128.1 (Access Windows Runtime APIs from Python)

Upgraded packages:

  • affine 2.2.2 → 2.3.0 (Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane.)

  • altair 3.1.0 → 3.2.0 (High-level declarative visualization library for Python)

  • altair_widgets 0.2.0 → 0.2.2 (Altair Widgets: An interactive visualization for statistical data for Python.)

  • asteval 0.9.14 → 0.9.15 (Safe, minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module)

  • baresql 0.7.4 → 0.7.6 (playing SQL directly on Python datas)

  • beautifulsoup4 4.7.1 → 4.8.0 (Screen-scraping library)

  • bokeh 1.2.0 → 1.3.4 (Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python)

  • bqplot 0.11.6 → 0.11.8 (Interactive plotting for the Jupyter notebook, using d3.js and ipywidgets.)

  • certifi 2019.6.16 → 2019.9.11 (Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.)

  • colorcet 2.0.1 → 2.0.2 (A set of useful perceptually uniform colormaps for plotting scientific data)

  • cvxpy 1.0.24 → 1.0.25 (A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python)

  • cx_freeze 5.1.1 → 6.0 (Deployment tool which converts Python scripts into stand-alone Windows executables (i.e. target machine does not require Python or any other library to be installed))

  • cython 0.29.12 → 0.29.13 (Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python)

  • dask 2.1.0 → 2.4.0 (Minimal task scheduling abstraction)

  • deprecated 1.2.5 → 1.2.6 (Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.)

  • distributed 2.1.0 → 2.4.0 (Distributed computing)

  • docutils 0.14 → 0.15.2 (Text processing system for processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX (includes reStructuredText))

  • fastparquet 0.3.1 → 0.3.2 (Python support for Parquet file format)

  • geopandas 0.5.1 → 0.6.0rc1 (Geographic pandas extensions)

  • geoviews 1.6.2 → 1.6.3 (Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.. on a map!)

  • guidata 1.7.7.dev0 → 1.7.7.dev1 (Automatically generated graphical user interfaces for easy data set edition and display)

  • h5py 2.9.0 → 2.10.0 (General-purpose Python interface to HDF5 files (unlike PyTables, h5py provides direct access to the full HDF5 C library))

  • holoviews 1.12.3 → 1.12.5 (Composable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily.)

  • hypothesis 4.24.6 → 4.35.0 (A library for property based testing)

  • importlib_metadata 0.18 → 0.23 (Read metadata from Python packages)

  • intake 0.5.0 → 0.5.3 (Data input plugin and catalog system)

  • ipykernel 5.1.1 → 5.1.2 (IPython Kernel for Jupyter)

  • ipyleaflet 0.11.1 → 0.11.2 (A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps)

  • ipython 7.6.1 → 7.8.0 (Enhanced Python shell)

  • ipywidgets 7.5.0 → 7.5.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)

  • jedi 0.14.0 → 0.15.1 (An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors)

  • json5 0.8.4 → 0.8.5 (A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.)

  • jsonschema 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 (An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python)

  • jupyter_client 5.2.4 → 5.3.3 (Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries)

  • jupyter_sphinx 0.1.4 → 0.2.1 (Jupyter Sphinx Extensions)

  • jupyterlab 1.0.2 → 1.1.4 (Jupyter lab environment notebook server extension)

  • jupyterlab_server 1.0.0 → 1.0.6 (JupyterLab Server)

  • lazy_object_proxy 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 (A fast and thorough lazy object proxy.)

  • lmfit 0.9.13 → 0.9.14 (Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints)

  • loky 2.5.1 → 2.6.0 (Robust and reusable Executor for joblib)

  • lxml 4.3.4 → 4.4.1 (Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.)

  • mercantile 1.1.1 → 1.1.2 (Web mercator XYZ tile utilities)

  • metakernel 0.24.2 → 0.24.3 (Metakernel for Jupyter)

  • mizani 0.5.4 → 0.6.0 (Scales for Python)

  • mkl_service 2.1.0 → 2.3.0 (Python bindings to some MKL service functions)

  • mlxtend 0.16.0 → 0.17.0 (Machine Learning Library Extensions)

  • more_itertools 7.1.0 → 7.2.0 (More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools)

  • mypy 0.711 → 0.720 (Optional static typing for Python)

  • nbconvert 5.5.0 → 5.6.0 (Converting Jupyter Notebooks)

  • netcdf4 → 1.5.2 (Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library)

  • nltk 3.4.4 → 3.4.5 (The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a Python package for natural language processing.)

  • notebook 6.0.0rc1 → 6.0.1 (# Jupyter Notebook)

  • numba 0.44.1 → 0.45.1 (compiling Python code using LLVM)

  • numexpr 2.6.9 → 2.7.0 (Fast evaluation of array expressions elementwise by using a vector-based virtual machine)

  • numpy 1.16.4+mkl → 1.16.5+mkl (NumPy: multidimensional array processing for numbers, strings, records and objects (SciPy's core module))

  • packaging 19.0 → 19.2 (Core utilities for Python packages)

  • pandas 0.24.2 → 0.25.1 (Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series and statistics)

  • pandas_datareader 0.7.0 → 0.7.4 (Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase,should be compatible with recent pandas versions)

  • panel 0.6.0 → 0.6.3 (A high-level Python toolkit for composing widgets and plots)

  • papermill 1.0.1 → 1.1.0 (Parametrize and Run Jupyter Notebooks)

  • parso 0.5.0 → 0.5.1 (A Python Parser)

  • pip 19.1.1 → 19.2.3 (A tool for installing and managing Python packages)

  • plotnine 0.5.2.dev2 → 0.6.0 (A grammar of graphics for python)

  • protobuf 3.8.0 → 3.9.1 (Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format)

  • pymongo 3.8.0 → 3.9.0 (Python driver for MongoDB http://www.mongodb.org)

  • pyodbc 4.0.26 → 4.0.27 (DB API Module for ODBC)

  • pyparsing 2.4.0 → 2.4.2 (A Python Parsing Module)

  • pyrsistent 0.15.3 → 0.15.4 (Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures)

  • pyside2 5.13.0 → 5.13.1 (Python binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt)

  • pytest 4.6.3 → 5.1.2 (pytest: simple powerful testing with Python)

  • pytz 2019.1 → 2019.2 (World Timezone Definitions for Python)

  • pywin32 224 → 225 (Python library for Windows)

  • pyyaml 5.1.1 → 5.1.2 (YAML parser and emitter for Python)

  • pyzmq 18.0.2 → 18.1.0 (Lightweight and super-fast messaging based on ZeroMQ library (required for IPython Qt console))

  • pyzo 4.7.4.dev1 → 4.9.0 (the Python IDE for scientific computing)

  • qtconsole 4.5.1 → 4.5.5 (Jupyter Qt console)

  • qtpy 1.8.0 → 1.9.0 (Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets.)

  • quantecon 0.4.4 → 0.4.5 (A community based Python library for quantitative economics)

  • rasterio 1.0.23 → 1.0.27 (Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy)

  • redis 3.2.1 → 3.3.8 (Python client for Redis key-value store)

  • regex 2019.6.8 → 2019.8.19 (Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.)


  • ruamel.yaml 0.15.98 → 0.16.5 (a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style, and map key order)

  • rx 3.0.0b2 → 3.0.1 (Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python)

  • scikit_learn 0.21.2 → 0.21.3 (A set of Python modules for machine learning and data mining)

  • scipy 1.3.0 → 1.3.1 (SciPy: Scientific Library for Python (advanced math, signal processing, optimization, statistics, ..))

  • setuptools 41.0.1 → 41.2.0 (Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily)

  • shiboken2 5.13.0 → 5.13.1 (Shiboken generates bindings for C++ libraries using CPython source code)

  • snowballstemmer 1.9.0 → 1.9.1 (This package provides 16 stemmer algorithms (15 + Poerter English stemmer) generated from Snowball algorithms.)

  • soupsieve 1.9.2 → 1.9.3 (A CSS4 selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.)

  • sphinx 2.1.2 → 2.2.0 (Tool for generating documentation which uses reStructuredText as its markup language)

  • sqlalchemy 1.3.5 → 1.3.8 (SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper)

  • statsmodels 0.10.0 → 0.10.1 (Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy)

  • tenacity 5.0.4 → 5.1.1 (Retry code until it succeeeds)

  • tqdm 4.32.2 → 4.36.1 (A Simple Python Progress Meter)

  • twine 1.13.0 → 1.15.0 (Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI)

  • uncertainties 3.1.1 → 3.1.2 (Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka error propagation); fast calculation of derivatives)

  • urllib3 1.25.3 → 1.25.5 (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.)

  • vega 2.4.0 → 2.6.0 (An IPython/ Jupyter widget for Vega and Vega-Lite)

  • werkzeug 0.15.4 → 0.16.0 (The Swiss Army knife of Python web development)

  • wheel 0.33.4 → 0.33.6 (A built-package format for Python.)

  • widgetsnbextension 3.5.0 → 3.5.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)

  • winpython 2.0.20190705 → 2.1.20190921 (WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM (package manager))

  • xarray 0.12.3 → 0.13.0 (N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python)

  • xlsxwriter 1.1.7 → 1.2.0 (A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.)

  • xlwings 0.15.8 → 0.15.9 (Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa)

Removed packages:

  • jupyterlab_sql 0.3.0 (SQL GUI for JupyterLab)

  • msgpack_numpy (Numpy data serialization using msgpack)

  • msgpack_python 0.5.4+dummy (MessagePack (de)serializer.)

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